Thursday, March 10, 2005

Talking To Myself

Well, after reading though countless blog-sites, I have decided that blogging is just a high-tech form of talking to yourself. Very few of the blogger's posts have comments after them so it's just a bunch of us ranting to ourselves about anything from being a Jewish vegetarian to being a gay Quaker - REALLY!

What is a gay Quaker? Isn't that an oxymoron? Would you be a homosexual who walks around with guilt and self-loathing? Instead of "gay pride", you'd have "gay guilt" and have to wear a scarlet letter "G" on your chest. I don't know, those two words just shouldn't go together.

I myself am neither gay, Jewish, a Quaker nor a vegetarian. I considered being a vegetarian, but the smell of a good steak is just too tempting. I belong to PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals. (I can't take credit for that one - saw it on a bumper sticker which is where I get most of my mottos) This gets me to thinking - If you are what you eat and you eat a lot of poultry and pork, are you then a pig who flys?

I also have a friend who converted to Judaism right before her wedding but still wanted the song Ave Maria played at the Ceremony. I suggested that she switch it to Oy Vay Maria (excuse my spelling of yiddish words - like I said, I'm not Jewish) but the bride did not think it was funny. The organ player, however, thought it was hilarious.

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