Sunday, May 15, 2005

I Dream - Therefore I Am

Do nudists have recurring dreams of being dressed in a public place?
Do gorgeous movie stars dream of kissing an ordinary un-famous face?
Does the dream of falling from a height leave stuntmen without a care?
Do birds dream (if they dream) of walking everywhere?
If dreams are our subconscious fears as Freud was known to say,
Then did Sigmund have recurring dreams that dreams all went away?
Some very deep and profound thoughts fill my philosophical cup,
But they must now all cease for the alarm is ringing......and now I must wake up.


lightfeather said...

How funny is that? Being dressed in a public place! You always crack me up!

Playground In My Mind said...

This is just so funny. Thank you for the giggles;) Renee p.s. I gotta have a caramel macchiato! :)

Jan said...

Which gorgeous movie star do we want to kiss our ordinary un-famous faces????

Great post...

Heidi said...

Hi jessie, in response to your comment on my blog..Just a little update..First off ,funny your blog is about dreams..Mine are just wild lately..So hard to interpret them.
My mouth guard for the tmj has 2 holes in it now..Helloooooo, I've only been wearing it a few weeks..ugh 450$! I could not be grinding my teeth that much..

I had a caramel frap today, smooth , sweet and deliscious. Not sure what u meant about recovery time..I'm not having surgery thankgod/yet. Thanx for your concern. :)